Dry Eye
Dry Eye Sydrome
Dry Eye Sydrome is a very common condition that affects a lot of people around the world.
Some of the symptoms could include:
- Scratchy eyes
- Burning sensation
- Intermittent blurry vision
- Watery eyes
Various factors can play a part in causing dry eyes.
Environmental factors:
- Dry weather conditions
- Wind/smoke
- Air conditioning
- Long hours in front of the computer
- Contact lens wear
- Reading for long hours
- Immune System disorders
- Natural aging process
- Hormonal changes
- Diabetes
Before your appointment we need you to please:
- - Not wear your contact lenses at least 3 days before the appointment
- - We will arrange a Pentacam and Oculyzer scan at the Cape Eye Hospital
- - If you know your contact lens script, please bring it with you